Friday, September 14, 2007

My Birthday

Today's my 34th birthday ... I really don't know where the time has gone. It certainly does fly by, and it's seeming to get faster each year :)

Today, the first words I heard were a whisper of "Happy birthday, Mom" from little Avery. What a sweet little child, and sweet little words to wake up too!

I don't think I've ever been really materialistic. I'm a pretty low-maintenance type of girl, but I've always loved getting a birthday present. Who doesn't, I guess? But, I can honestly say, that since the birth of my kids. Anything from them is more present than money could ever buy. Avery's words this morning were worth gold to me! "I love you" words from them are diamonds. Their sweet smiles and the sound of their laughter is more precious than rubies.

I am rich ... the richest 34 year old you'll ever see.

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