Thursday, September 11, 2008


We are sheltering-in-place, although we are starting to second guess that choice. We definitely have enough food and water to last at least a week, but the lack of electricity seems to be a real threat. Should that happen, we will attempt to leave and go elsewhere.

We have an interior closet that we will be cleaning out completely tonight and using that as central base for the kids to sleep tomorrow night. The biggest thing for us is that the eye is due to come directly over our suburb which means that we could also have tornadoes.

I'm hoping that with it projected to come on land during the middle of the night, the kids (inside the closet) will be able to sleep through it. Hopefully, by daybreak, the worst will be gone and we can begin to access the damage.

The church and Pro-Mark have both shut down. Pro-Mark has planned to reopen on Monday; the church will be closed indefinitely. Our office building is glass covered on the front and back, so it will be very vulnerable to damage from the wind.

Since I have one of the glass offices, I had to take down all of my pictures of the kids and house them in the studio. It was weird to pack up my stuff - I felt like I was quitting or being fired!

I'll do another update tomorrow. We very well could decide to leave - we're at a real wishy-washy point.


Insane in the Membrane said...

I'll be praying for everyone in the path of Ike. We will receive the after affects here in North Texas. I'll open my door if you need a place to go...hope you are all safe through the storm!

Unknown said...

Hey girl! Just hang out there until it's over. Been through enough east coast hurricanes that if they are suggesting people to leave and you were concerned enough to leave- stick to your gut feeling. Stay there! Good luck and hope things aren't damaged too bad when you get back!
Give us an update when you can! Thinking about you!